Toronto Office
Dr. Richard Rival
501-1881 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4S 3C4
Phone: (866) 229-3223
Outside Ontario: (905) 830-6711
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Newmarket Office
Dr. Richard Rival
712 Davis Drive, Suite 101A
Newmarket, ON L3Y 8C3
Phone: (905) 830-6711
Outside Ontario: (905) 830-6711
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Otoplasty Case #26
Cosmetic Facial Surgeon: Dr. Richard Rival
Procedures Performed: Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)
This young woman in the Toronto area was always dissatisfied with her large ears and felt that they stuck out too far from her face, which can be seen in her pre-operative photograph. She researched cosmetic surgery in Toronto in an effort to learn more about her options for “ear pinning” (otoplasty), and her free consultation with Dr. Rival gave her comfort that otoplasty surgery could correct her ears and give her a more normal, attractive look.
During the otoplasty procedure, Dr. Rival repositioned the patient’s ears back, closer to the side of her face, so that they maintained a natural shape and appearance, without appearing flat or too close to her head. Otoplasty is performed so that the incisions are well hidden behind the ears, in the crease between the ear and the skull. Dr. Rival adjusts the position of the ear while using a suture technique that creates very natural results and allows him to avoid the tendency of many other Toronto facial plastic surgeons who may create a “pasted” look with the ears flat to the skull.
This patient’s post-operative photos show that Toronto facial plastic surgeon Dr. Rival successfully adjusted the position of this patient’s ears so that they now sit closer to the sides of her head, eliminating her previous concerns that they gave her face an abnormal appearance. While otoplasty can be performed on children as young as four, adults can also enjoy very positive results with this procedure, and patients of all ages will generally require about a week to recover.