Toronto Office
Dr. Richard Rival
501-1881 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4S 3C4
Phone: (866) 229-3223
Outside Ontario: (905) 830-6711
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Newmarket Office
Dr. Richard Rival
712 Davis Drive, Suite 101A
Newmarket, ON L3Y 8C3
Phone: (905) 830-6711
Outside Ontario: (905) 830-6711
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

From addressing ‘weak chins’ to complementing rhinoplasty surgery, chin implants are a common facial implant. Chin augmentation is popular among both men and women and can be used to resolve a number of issues. The surgery itself only takes an hour, and recovery time is only about one to two weeks - that’s pretty good …
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